‘Better Call Saul’ Season 6 Episode 6 Summary: The Smell Test


In short, Howard is kind to his cold-blooded wife, which adds to the sense that she’s not a worthy target for a covert attack. Still, the final scene of this episode is the U-turn from Kim’s driveway to Santa Fe, away from her career-building meeting and back to Albuquerque.

Will Kim be able to save this moment “D-Day” with Jimmy?

At least it’s hard to be involved in a deep, emotional way. “Better Call Saul” has always been two very different planets – the drug world and the lawyer world – whose orbits only occasionally alternate. (Think of Kim meeting Mike in Episode 5, or Jimmy’s work for Tuco and Lalo.) Otherwise, they spin on their own with dramatically different atmospheres. Now that the cartel conspiracy is boiling over, the legal conspiracy looks vulgar in some moments, boring in others, and sometimes stuffy. Can anyone explain the dramatic reason why Kim and Francesca met in Jimmy/Saul’s office? What exactly would be missing if it were deleted?

The episode comes alive when the drugs and money part of the show finally gets some oxygen. Lalo identified at least one of Werner Ziegler’s “boys” by reading the underside of the Lucite-covered slide rule Lalo used during his brief visit to Frau Ziegler’s home. The label said the piece was produced by a company called Voelker’s and somehow Lalo identified at least one of the boys at the company.

Specifically, he got the name and address of Casper (Stefan Kapicic), who lives in the country and cuts a lot of wood. As Lalo approaches, Casper flees to a dark barn. The last thing a sane person would do is break into a barn with a gun, but Lalo can be hasty and it wouldn’t be a big surprise if Casper catches her by surprise. This advantage lasts for a few seconds because the Volker sticker (or business card?) Lalo brought with him has a razor on the back, and he takes control almost instantly and is ready to launch an investigation.

That won’t be nice, and it’s unclear what Caspar knows. With a few exceptions, he was absolutely in the dark about almost everything related to superlab construction. He knows that dynamite, which is not needed to build the “cooler” that Gus shows in the version of the village of Potemkin, which Gus shows to Lalo at the chicken farm, is at work. Casper will remember that little spectacle and will probably know that it was purely for the benefit of the man who was about to torture his knowledge. (The two men were in the same cave room that day, so “I don’t think we’ve officially met” just before Lalo started chasing Casper.)


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