G20 Countries Adopt New Frontiers in Coal Power Plants


Climate advocates said it was imperative to make concrete new commitments in Glasgow.

“The call of G20 leaders to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is crucial,” said Ulka Kelkar, climate director for the World Resources Institute’s India office. The Glasgow conference “now needs to supplement this decade with measures to rapidly reduce emissions and urgently scale up climate finance.”

Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace International, was more outspoken. “If the G20 is a dress rehearsal,” he said of the United Nations summit in Glasgow, “then world leaders have fluffed their words.”

“His communication was poor, he lacked both ambition and vision, and he just couldn’t seize the moment,” Ms Morgan said.

“Keeping 1.5 accessible will require meaningful and effective action and commitment by all countries, taking into account different approaches through the development of clear national pathways,” G20 leaders said in a statement.

The statement also added an important caveat to major emerging economies such as India, which are pushing for money and technology to move away from coal: “different approaches” and “international cooperation and support, including finance and technology,” to achieve this goal.

The declaration lacked the specific financial commitments needed to persuade developing countries to make the energy transition, particularly coal phase-out.

But in a first for the G20, members have agreed to take steps to reduce emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. “We recognize that methane emissions represent a significant contribution to climate change, and we recognize that, according to national circumstances, their reduction may be one of the fastest, most viable and most cost-effective ways to limit climate change and its effects,” they wrote. .


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