Here are Exercises to Prevent Sprained Ankles


When Chris Peterson sprained his ankle while playing football in high school, he considered it a minor injury. His ankle hurt for a few days, but no one suggested he see a doctor, and he soon felt better. A physical therapist at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. “I got back to playing as quickly as I could,” Peterson said. However, although it didn’t hurt her wrist, it wasn’t the same afterward.

“I’d take a wrong step and my ankle wasn’t there,” he said, which often leads to falls.

Sprained ankles are among the most common musculoskeletal injuries. Official estimates are Two million people in the United States sprain their ankles each year.however, the actual number is probably much higher because many people never seek care for their injuries.

While an ankle sprain may seem like a minor injury, suffering makes it much more likely to happen again. In study of military cadets, those with a history of sprained ankles were 3.4 times more likely to sprain their ankles during the study than those without a history of ankle sprains. for a… estimated 40 percent of peopleA sprained ankle can lead to chronic ankle instability, which is characterized by repeated rolling of the ankle, a general feeling of wobble and instability, and occasional pain, tenderness, or swelling.

If you’ve sprained your ankle in the past, that doesn’t mean you’re going to live with a sore, wobbly joint in fear of the moment your life will take off. Experts recommend a set of exercises to strengthen the ankles, reducing the chances of sustaining a sprain, whether it’s the first time or the 10th.

A sports doctor at Stanford University, Dr. “The biggest reason people get repetitive ankle sprains is because they never do rehab,” said Michael Fredericson.

The ankle is a complex patchwork of bones and ligaments stitched together that connects the shin and fibula of the leg to the delicate bones of the foot. He has to do a lot of work, bear the full weight of the body, and bend and stretch in many directions at the same time. It is this versatility combined with a steady workload that makes it so difficult and critical to fully recover from an ankle injury because it is so easy to re-injure an ankle. Dr. “There’s not much room for error, especially if you play sports,” Fredericson said.

The key is exercise. In recent meta-analysis Out of 14 randomized controlled trials, exercise-based interventions were more effective at reducing the risk of recurrent sprains than usual care, which usually consisted of rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

“We know that exercise therapy works,” said Jente Wagemans, a graduate student at the University of Antwerp and lead author of the study. “We know it’s effective in preventing a secondary injury.”

Even the first few days after a sprain can help move the ankle. A sports doctor at Houston Methodist Hospital, Dr. Alysia Robichau usually recommends very light, non-weight-bearing activities, such as tracing the alphabet with the feet, in the days after a sprain. “This helps with smooth range of motion,” she said.

Once the ligament that occurs in the first few weeks after a sprain begins to heal, the next step is weight-bearing exercise. Mr. Wagemans explained that ligaments become stronger when you apply increasing amounts of force, such as bones and muscles.

Unlike bones, the ankle ligaments need to be strengthened in multiple directions because the joint is so mobile. a simple ankle strengthening exercise is to wrap a resistance band around the foot and attach it to something heavy, such as a table leg. Then flex your feet forward, back, and to the side, aiming for three sets of 15 reps each.

If you are trying to prevent ankle injuries, these exercises should be done three to four times a week. If you are recovering from a recent ankle sprain, any exercise should be done under the guidance of a physical therapist who will adjust them to the injury.

Every time you step on an uneven surface or need to quickly place your foot, tiny nerves in your ankle automatically help keep it stable rather than rolling or twisting. Dr. Think of these as lane assist features on some cars that make minor steering corrections to prevent skidding, except nerves put your ankle in a neutral position, Peterson said. One of the main causes of shaky ankles is that sprains also damage these corrective nerves.

“Without this feedback system, you’re more likely to spin your wrist again,” said Jeff Harvath, a physical therapist at the University of Washington in St. Louis.

If your ankle feels wobbly or unstable or has a habit of rolling, you need to retrain the nerves in that area. Dr. “It’s about teaching muscles and ligaments to coordinate properly,” Robichau said.

One of the best ways to do this is to single leg balance exercise. To start, balance on one leg, arms extended in different directions, aiming for a set of 20 repetitions. It’s important to use a wide variety of movements, such as reaching for something with your hands, putting your weight on, closing your eyes, and even standing on one leg while brushing your teeth. Dr. “The more real it looks, the more it transfers to everyday life,” said Peterson.

Once you feel comfortable with it, add an element of instability by balancing on a seat cushion, foam stability pad, or Bosu ball. Add a light weight or medicine ball for an added challenge. another variation standing leg star spout. Balance one foot and extend the other foot in a straight line, forward, sideways, and backwards, clockwise, aiming for two sets of 15 reps.

The muscles of your legs, ankles, and feet also play an important role in ankle stability, so it’s important to strengthen them. When your ankle joint is pulled in the wrong direction, your ankle and calf muscles help pull it back. Dr. “We don’t want to rely on ties for everything,” Harvath said.

This includes the muscles of our lower legs that tilt our feet in, out, up and down. Strengthening these muscles can help compensate for weaknesses in the ankle ligaments. Dr. Harvath recommended jumps onto an unstable surface, such as a seat cushion, foam stability cushion or Bosu ball. He suggested two sets of 15 reps for each leg.

Another exercise for your calves and ankles standing heel raiseIt can be done with one leg or both legs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Just rise on your toes, then lower your heels to the floor. Aim for three sets of 10 reps.

If done regularly, these exercises can both prevent injury and aid your recovery. Dr. As for Peterson, the ankle instability forced him to quit football and continued for about 10 years. She just started her own ankle-strengthening exercise routine when she went to school for physical therapy.

Although today the ligament in his ankle is still damaged, he has managed to compensate and create the stability he needs. She does her favorite activities like marathon running and rock climbing without worrying about her ankles rolling. For many of the patients he sees, regaining strength and stability in their ankles is a matter of learning what exercises to do. “It’s usually very simple,” she said.

Rachel Fairbank is a Texas-based freelance science writer.


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