Jake Lacy Calls ‘White Lotus’ Aloha


If there was a white woman trying to get Armond fired, we’d give her a name: Karen. I don’t know if this name has a masculine equivalent, but “Shane” seems like it might work here.

I hope so! The Karen thing is like “I’m not going to stand for this” as if she’s on the side of justice. And Shane’s thing is, “Don’t make me make this ugly.” There’s an aggression out there, “I’m not going to be treated this way!” It’s the same with Shane as it is with Karen.

At the same time, Armond gave him the wrong room. I mean, these rooms It cost $26,000 per night. It’s like you bought a car and they said, “Oh, we just know.” How are you today This is what you wanted” and you say “This is definitely not the car I paid for”. He booked a room and he thinks they should give him that room. While his behavior is increasingly inappropriate and the way he treats people is horrific, what he wants seems pretty fair: “I want what I pay for.” This does not excuse his behavior. In a perfect world, he would just relax and let it go.

Who do you think was the worst?

I feel like people will say Shane but that’s my man! I still have some empathy for him. I feel like most of these characters are pretty unpleasant. In acts alone, Shane is absolutely the worst. No one else kills a man. But Paul [Brittany O’Grady]As honest and progressive as he claims, he is complicit and returns to the plane when the tire meets the road. It doesn’t say anything. And if that means she gets the good food, Rachel will put up with Shane.

To me, most of the show is like, “How clean are you? how innocent are you, how free are you from guilt?” Opportunities others don’t have, whether it’s your privilege, your money, your looks, or the color of your skin – how clean are you if you’re in the trading world?

Hope is the reflection of all this back on the audience: “You’re probably doing some of the same things, right? On one level?” How much do you expect to stand in line at the Four Seasons, the car wash, McDonald’s, or Starbucks, about what the world owes you and how you deserve to be treated?

This is the part of the show that interests me the most. It’s less about who’s worse and who’s self-deception the most.


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