The Authors of The Mad Woman In The Attic Are Back With A New One (Angry)

[ad_1] Of course, while Gilbert and Gubar were privileged to choose their own literary feminist pantheon, some of their exclusions are a bit difficult to understand: How, for example, can figures like Erica Jong be cited for revolutionary research into female desire? Have you ever mentioned Mary McCarthy’s groundbreaking writings on women, sex, one night …

Colorado Opera House Holds Centuries-old Painted Sets in Attic

[ad_1] LEADVILE, Col. — Three years ago on a summer’s day, Wendy Waszut-Barrett, Tabor Opera Househigh in the Colorado Rockies. “I’m still excited right now and my face is red,” he said in a recent interview. Waszut-Barrett, period theater painting specialist who ran the company Historical Stage Serviceswas visiting various venues by car from her …