Susan Cain’s ‘Bittersweet’ Explores the Upper Side of Sorrow

[ad_1] Have you ever wondered why we love sad songs or drown in the “Thank You Mom” Olympics commercial? Questions like these have been the impetus for Susan Cain’s new book, Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Unite Us. Believing that we experience the deepest states of love, happiness, fear and creativity, writes Ms. Cain, “Bitter …

Can Susan Cain with ‘Bittersweet’ Repeat the Success of ‘Quiet’?

[ad_1] BITTERSWEETHow Do Sadness and Longing Unite Us?by Susan Cain The engine of America’s factory of mass-market ideas processed and turned into book sales tends to be one word (or two short words if you absolutely must): To develop. Sandstone. Simple. poke. It’s designed by authors who often shine outstanding college references and workshop concepts …