Why Is My Eyelid Twitching? Questions and answers


But what causes eyelid twitching is more commonly stress, insomnia or excessive caffeine intake, experts said. Dry eye, a common ailment among screen-watchers most of the day, is another culprit. Studies have stated We blink less when looking at digital devices, which causes our eyes to dry out.

Dr. Lorch said there is no quick fix for eyelid twitching once it starts. But artificial tears, eye drops that lubricate the eye can help. Ideally, choose those that do not contain preservatives, since chemical preservatives being annoying sometimes. You can also try massaging your eyes in the shower in the shower just before going to bed or covering your eyes with a damp, warm washcloth, which will help relax your eye muscles and open up the glands at the corners of your eyelids. This increases oil flow to the eyes and slows tear evaporation.

Other preventive measures include: get more rest and reduce stress.

American Academy of Ophthalmology spokesperson Dr. “Twitching is a sign of your body asking you to slow down,” said Raj Maturi.

Reducing caffeine intake can also help prevent eye twitching, because lots of caffeine leads to muscle tension. Dr. Lorch said it would be good to have a cup or two of coffee every day.

It’s also important to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet that includes potassium (potatoes, bananas, and lentils are great sources), magnesium (found in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and fish), and calcium (try dairy products). , sardines, dark leafy greens, or fortified breakfast cereals), because imbalances in these minerals can cause twitching.

Tonic water is sometimes a resort for eyelid twitching as it contains a small amount of quinine. Quinine, a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat malaria, is also used off-label to treat nocturnal leg cramps, something the FDA says is neither safe nor effective. There is no scientific evidence that tonic water prevents or alleviates eyelid twitching.

Occasionally, ophthalmologists will use Botox to stop twitching by injecting a small amount into the orbicularis muscle surrounding the eyelids, but this is done “only in severe cases,” Dr. Erwin.

Experts said that eyelid myokymia usually goes away on its own without medical attention. For most patients, it’s just a matter of resting, taking steps to relieve stress, lubricating the eye, and waiting for it to pop out.


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