A Group Founded By Colin Kaepernick Provides A Free Second Autopsy

[ad_1] A group founded by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick began offering free secondary autopsies this week for families of people who died under “police-related” circumstances. A certified autopsy can be prohibitive, sometimes costing $5,000 or more, so those without the means had to rely on a medical examination or official investigation by a coroner. …

Bob Saget’s Autopsy Report Describes Severe Skull Fractures

[ad_1] Some neurosurgeons said it would be unusual for a typical fall to cause a set of fractures in Mr. Saget’s back, right flank and anterior skull. These doctors said the injuries were reminiscent of people falling from a considerable height or being thrown out of their seats in a car accident. However, the autopsy …

Visconti’s Operatic Autopsy of German History Restored

[ad_1] Respected Italian director Luchino Visconti openly homosexual but devoutly Catholic, ostensibly Communist but unyieldingly aristocratic. In short, he embodied the contradictions that plague many of his films, where criticism can sometimes be mistaken for reverence or obsessive excess of detail. Nowhere is this more evident than in his pseudo-German trilogy, “The Damned” (1969), “Death …