Review: In ‘Exception to the Rule’, Detention Is Ominous

[ad_1] Detention is a drag. It is also symbolic for students in the “Exception to the Rule”. Whatever got them into after-school combat, these teens have already been ambushed by forces far beyond their control. They’re whispering one after another as their voices echo in the Black Box Theatre, where the Roundabout Underground production opens …

‘A Perfect Pairing’ Review: Going Down For Wine And Romance

[ad_1] Contrary to some claims, romantic comedy isn’t dead when it comes to feature films: It’s just stuck on repeat. Netflix’s new movie “A Perfect Pairing” (most of them) shares the same name as a Hallmark movie that premiered earlier this year. The Hallmark painting used the credible plot of “woman is reawakened to life …

The ‘Ipcress File’ Review: In The Footsteps of Michael Caine

[ad_1] And while Deighton’s abducted scientists re-adapted his story about psychedelic brainwashing and the dawn of the neutron bomb, they brought a light sense of logic and proportion to the extreme, while paying loving homage to the era and luxury-international luxury. -spy-thriller category. (Sunningly nodding to the story’s improbability, late in the season a character …

Review: ‘Indelible City’ by Louisa Lim; and ‘The Impossible City’

[ad_1] In this alternative narrative of Hong Kong freed from the straitjacket of state-sponsored history, Lim places the latest protests in the region’s centuries-long history of rebellion, stretching back to when the area was a flourishing salt production center in the 12th century BC. From myth making to “archive marathons”, Lo Ting details recent efforts …

Review: The ‘Golden Shield’ Is An Exercise In Miscommunication

[ad_1] Julie is a bit slow to get used to and it’s a safe bet that most audience members will be far ahead of her. She also looks awful in court (I mentally interrupted “Appeal!”) and gets agitated easily. “Where [expletive] Will I find a Mandarin translator in Dallas?” Finding herself in a stalemate in …

‘Will you come with me?’ Review: Love in the Age of Revolution

[ad_1] Sit-in protest regarding the demolition of Istanbul Gezi Park in May 2013 nationwide movement after that the police intervened with pepper spray and water cannon. protests It shook Turkey for months. A flood of complaints against the government flooded the streets. Love in the age of revolution, “Will you come with me?” — two …

Review: ‘Heartbroke’ by Chelsea Bieker; ‘Valleyesque’ by Fernando A.

[ad_1] Finally, Pleyel piano. Chopin sits down to play. Flores’ prose rises and falls here, acquiring a haunting, poetic record: “Don’t forget us, distant yesterdays and impossible tomorrows, whales in the moonlight, blood in clear green waters, don’t forget.” Lyrical improvisation removes the enchantment from the castle like magic. It also carries the reader. Traveling …