Check Out Formula 1 Now

[ad_1] Five years ago, the future of Formula 1 was uncertain. Liberty Media Company had acquired Bernie Ecclestone’s motorsport series, which has ruled with a vise-like grip for almost 40 years. Observers said the sport needs to modernize, enter new markets, attract a younger audience and increase its social media presence. Mission accomplished. The popularity …

Check It Out: ‘Reading Rainking’ Goes Live To Know With New Friends

[ad_1] In a bustling kitchen in Upper Manhattan, Kendall Joseph, a young actor wearing fire engine red oven mitts, stood by the stove. When a cheerful song is played and the director says “Action!” ‘ she shouted, opening the oven and pulling out a baking tray. Rotating cameras focused on the treat inside: a butterfly-shaped …

Check out some of the best photos from the Olympics.

[ad_1] A Chinese couple set a world record in figure skating, a ski race was interrupted by winds, and a sprint to a chaotic finish in the collective starting speed skating “where the fastest doesn’t always win.” Ours photographers captured all the spins, spins, joy and heartbreak Saturday. [ad_2] Source link

Men’s Halfpipe Final Live Updates: Check out Shaun White’s Runs Photos

[ad_1] Dozens of athletes swept through Beijing with their jaw-dropping heights and dizzying somersaults as they made their way halfway through. In competition, however, no one watches them more closely than the six judges and a seventh referee, among whom determine whether the athletes will make it to the podium. “The half pipe is about …

‘Pas’ Deputy Director Says He Didn’t Check Gun Thoroughly

[ad_1] “Rust” assistant director Dave Halls told an investigator that he had not properly checked all the bullets in the gun he had given to Alec Baldwin, according to an affidavit released Wednesday. According to the affidavit, he said he opened the gun for the film’s gunsmith, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, to review. According to the sworn …

After Launch, SpaceX Inspiration4 Astronauts Will Health Check

[ad_1] When astronauts return to Earth from space, they may experience a host of health and physical problems after landing as a result of living without gravity. During flights of up to six months, astronauts may experience difficulties with balance, muscle weakness, and cardiovascular deconditioning. NASA. Although the Inspiration4 flight only lasted three days, all …