‘Swan Song’ Review: Second Life


Cloning is such a disturbing and bizarre possibility that it naturally lends itself to sinister adventures (and sometimes absurdities). But “Swan Song,” a sci-fi drama written and directed by Benjamin Cleary, presents a doubling up scenario as much about acquiring emotional intelligence as it takes into account existential and practical consequences.

Cameron (Mahershala Ali) is a sick graphic designer who doesn’t have long to live. Disgusted at leaving his wife, Poppy (Naomie Harris), and their young son, he secretly embarks on a procedure to create a copy of himself – physically identical, with his memories, but healthy. But will he really be Cameron in a double sense, or will he just fulfill Cameron’s role in life? Will his family even notice? And is Cameron up to it?

After a particularly frightening fainting episode, the transition will take place in a secluded compound on a lake, and the endearing but strict scientist (Glenn Close) reassures Cameron that such things will soon become commonplace. With a mix of banal and slightly “Black Mirror” details, we understand the sci-fi parameters of the era: self-driving cars are the rule, talking droids serve snacks on trains, and contact lenses can record and communicate what you see.

Cleary’s story guides us through the steps of Cameron’s transition. She meets her new doppelganger, temporarily named Jack, and uploads her memories. A slightly comic relief comes from Cameron’s hangout with a new transitioner (Awkwafina) on campus. We see a glimpse into Cameron’s family life and tensions, as well as a flashback to his sweet date with Poppy, all showing how grief, faith and love can take unconventional forms with new technological possibilities.

But a mind-blowing arrogance or special effect fades before Ali’s incredibly fine-tuned abilities. Playing in front of a digital copy of yourself almost deserves no comment anymore, but Cameron and Jack are a fascinating study in the subtlest shifts in energy and emotion. When Cameron first meets the clone, a mix of worry, curiosity, and worry is evident on Cameron’s face, but Ali’s crowning touch is an expression of mild sympathy for the man Jack will replace.

Ali’s focus and presence leads us to believe that these two men are equally alive and feel the brunt of this deeply uncanny predicament. It’s less of a conceptual finger, a tightly focused, almost miniature drama about going on. Whenever something goes wrong, we worry more about the psychological toll of Cameron’s uncertainty than Pandora’s box dystopia. Perhaps more than any movie that takes the motto, it’s effectively about being honest with yourself.

Swan Song
Rated R for heated tongue. Duration: 1 hour 52 minutes. in theaters and on Apple TV+.


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