What’s Happening in This Chart? | New Normal US Precipitation


How might changes in “normal” precipitation affect you, your community, the United States, and the world?

Here are some student titles that capture the stories of these charts: “Where Is Tick and Precipitation Is Hitting” by Tal of New York, “Why Worry About Precipitation Without Hesitation” by Kenyan Mesa, “Is America’s Rain Tap Broken?” Delali of Atlanta, “Precipitation Levels: Can You Predict the Future?” Carlie of Chico, California, “Water Is Life, But Will Too Much Precipitation Be a Threat to the USA?” By Nat of CELA, Jalisco, Mexico and “Skies Above! Precipitation in America over the Years”, Tessa of Andover, Massachusetts. It’s surprising that no one uses the word “normal” in their headlines.

You may want to think about these additional questions:

  • See a world choropleth about change in precipitation in the August 28, 2021 New York Times article “Watching Two Americas: One Roasted, One Soaked” There is a comparison of annual average precipitation between 1984 – 2016 and the mid-20th century. What did you notice? What do you wonder? What surprises you? How will this affect us?

The chart on the relationship between next week’s vaccination rates by province and Covid hospitalizations will be published on Wednesday, September 29 with live moderation on Friday, September 24. 2021-2022 “What’s Happening on This Chart?” schedule as a subscriber Here To the Learning Network Friday newsletter. In the meantime, keep noticing and wondering. We look forward to your online responses.


Below we define mathematical and statistical terms and their relationship to this chart. To see all Stat Nuggets archives with links to their graphics, go to: directory.


A choropleth map uses different shading, coloring, or symbols in defined regions to indicate values ​​in those regions. Quantitative values ​​are divided into ranges indicated on a key by corresponding shading, coloring, or symbols.

US Precipitation charts are called choropleth charts. They show the percentage change in average precipitation between the ten 30-year periods and the 20th century average from 1901 to 2020. Differences are represented by brown for percent decreases and green for percent increases. The darker the color, the greater the deviation from the 20th century average precipitation level. Percentage changes range from less than -9.0% to more than +9.0%.


The mean is a statistic that represents a central or typical value for a data set. There are different ways to measure the center, including the mean, which is the arithmetic mean (the sum of all values ​​divided by the number of values) and the median (the middle value when all values ​​are ordered). Usually when “average” is used in the media, it refers to the mean.


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